(Handa mayaṃ dhamma-gārav’ādi-gāthāyo bhaṇāmase)

Ye ca atītā sambuddhā ye ca buddhā anāgatā Yo c’etarahi sambuddho bahunnaṃ soka-nāsano

All the Buddhas of the past, All the Buddhas yet to come, The Buddha of this current age — Dispellers of much sorrow.

Sabbe saddhamma-garuno vihariṃsu viharanti ca Atho pi viharissanti esā buddhāna dhammatā

Those having lived or living now, Those living in the future, All do revere the True Dhamma — That is the nature of all Buddhas.

Tasmā hi atta-kāmena mahattam-abhikaṅkhatā Saddhammo garu-kātabbo saraṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ

Therefore desiring one’s own welfare, Pursuing greatest aspirations, One should revere the True Dhamma — Recollecting the Buddha’s teaching.

Na hi dhammo adhammo ca ubho sama-vipākino

What is true Dhamma and what not Will never have the same results,

Adhammo nirayaṃ neti dhammo pāpeti suggatiṃ

While lack of Dhamma leads to hell-realms — True Dhamma takes one on a good course.

Dhammo have rakkhati dhamma-cāriṃ

The Dhamma guards who lives in line with it

Dhammo suciṇṇo sukham-āvahāti

And leads to happiness when practised well —

Esānisaṃso dhamme suciṇṇe

This is the blessing of well-practised Dhamma.
