(Handa mayaṃ ariya-dhana-gāthāyo bhaṇāmase)

Yassa saddhā tathāgate acalā supatiṭṭhitā

One whose faith in the Tathāgata Is unshaken and established well,

Sīlañca yassa kalyāṇaṃ ariya-kantaṃ pasaṃsitaṃ

Whose virtue is beautiful, The Noble Ones enjoy and praise;

Saṅghe pasādo yass’atthi uju-bhūtañca dassanaṃ

Whose trust is in the Saṅgha, Who sees things rightly as they are,

Adaliddo’ti taṃ āhu amoghaṃ tassa jīvitaṃ

It is said that not in vain And undeluded is their life.

Tasmā saddhañca sīlañca pasādaṃ dhamma-dassanaṃ Anuyuñjetha medhāvī saraṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ

To virtue and to faith, To trust to seeing truth, To these the wise devote themselves, The Buddha’s teaching in their mind.
