(Handa mayaṃ sabba-patti-dāna-gāthāyo bhaṇāmase)
Puññass’idāni katassa yān’aññāni katāni me Tesañca bhāgino hontu sattānantāppamāṇakā
May whatever living beings, Without measure, without end, Partake of all the merit, From the good deeds I have done:
Ye piyā guṇavantā ca mayhaṃ mātā-pitādayo Diṭṭhā me cāpyadiṭṭhā vā aññe majjhatta-verino
Those loved and full of goodness, My mother and my father dear, Beings seen by me and those unseen, Those neutral and averse,
Sattā tiṭṭhanti lokasmiṃ te-bhummā catu-yonikā Pañc’eka-catu-vokārā saṃsarantā bhavābhave
Beings established in the world, From the three planes and four grounds of birth, With fve aggregates or one or four, Wand’ring on from realm to realm,
Ñātaṃ ye patti-dānam-me anumodantu te sayaṃ Ye c’imaṃ nappajānanti devā tesaṃ nivedayuṃ
Those who know my act of dedication, May they all rejoice in it, And as for those yet unaware, May the devas let them know.
Mayā dinnāna-puññānaṃ anumodana-hetunā Sabbe sattā sadā hontu averā sukha-jīvino Khemappadañca pappontu tesāsā sijjhataṃ subhā
By rejoicing in my sharing, May all beings live at ease, In freedom from hostility, May their good wishes be fulflled, And may they all reach safety.