(Handa mayaṃ dvattiṃsākāra-pāṭhaṃ bhaṇāmase)
Ayaṃ kho me kāyo
This, which is my body,
Uddhaṃ pādatalā
From the soles of the feet up,
Adho kesamatthakā
And down from the crown of the head,
Is a sealed bag of skin
Pūro nānappakārassa asucino
Filled with unattractive things.
Atthi imasmiṃ kāye
In this body there are:
kesā | hair of the head |
lomā | hair of the body |
nakhā | nails |
dantā | teeth |
taco | skin |
maṃsaṃ | flesh |
nahārū | sinews |
aṭṭhī | bones |
aṭṭhimiñjaṃ | bone marrow |
vakkaṃ | kidneys |
hadayaṃ | heart |
yakanaṃ | liver |
kilomakaṃ | membranes |
pihakaṃ | spleen |
papphāsaṃ | lungs |
antaṃ | bowels |
antaguṇaṃ | entrails |
udariyaṃ | undigested food |
karīsaṃ | excrement |
pittaṃ | bile |
semhaṃ | phlegm |
pubbo | pus |
lohitaṃ | blood |
sedo | sweat |
medo | fat |
assu | tears |
vasā | grease |
kheḷo | spittle |
siṅghāṇikā | mucus |
lasikā | oil of the joints |
muttaṃ | urine |
matthaluṅgan’ti | brain |
Evam-ayaṃ me kāyo
This, then, which is my body,
Uddhaṃ pādatalā
From the soles of the feet up,
Adho kesamatthakā
And down from the crown of the head,
Is a sealed bag of skin
Pūro nānappakārassa asucino
Flled with unattractive things.