Salutation to the triple gem
(Handa mayam ratanattaya-panāma-gāthāyo ceva samvega-parikittana-pāthañca bhanāmase)
Buddho susuddho karuṇā-mahaṇṇavo
The Buddha, absolutely pure, with ocean-like compassion,
Possessing the clear sight of wisdom,
Lokassa pāpūpakilesa-ghātako
Destroyer of worldly self-corruption—
Vandāmi buddhaṃ aham-ādarena taṃ
Devotedly indeed, that Buddha I revere.
Dhammo padīpo viya tassa satthuno
The Teaching of the Lord, like a lamp,
Yo magga-pākāmata-bheda-bhinnako
Illuminating the Path and its Fruit: the Deathless,
Lokuttaro yo ca tad-attha-dīpano
That which is beyond the conditioned world—
Vandami dhammaṃ aham-adarena taṃ
Devotedly indeed, that Dhamma I revere.
Saṅgho sukhettābhyati-khetta-saññito
The Sangha, the most fertile ground for cultivation,
Yo diṭṭhasanto sugatānubodhako
Those who have realized Peace, awakened after the Accomplished One,
Lolappahīno ariyo sumedhaso
Noble and wise, all longing abandoned—
Vandāmi saṅghaṃ aham-ādarena taṃ
Devotedly indeed, that Sangha I revere.
Iccevam-ekantabhipūja-neyyakaṃ vatthuttayaṃ
vandayatābhisaṅkhataṃ Puññaṃ mayā yaṃ mama sabbupaddavā mā hontu ve tassa pabhāva-siddhiyā
This salutation should be made to that which is worthy. Through the power of such good action, may all obstacles disappear.