(Handa mayaṃ abhiṇha-paccavekkhaṇa-pāṭhaṃ bhaṇāmase)
Jarā-dhammomhi jaraṃ anatīto (anatītā)
I am of the nature to age, I have not gone beyond ageing.
Byādhi-dhammomhi byādhiṃ anatīto (anatītā)
I am of the nature to sicken, I have not gone beyond sickness.
Maraṇa-dhammomhi maraṇaṃ anatīto (anatītā)
I am of the nature to die, I have not gone beyond dying.
Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinābhāvo
All that is mine, beloved and pleasing, will become otherwise, will become separated from me.
Kammassakomhi kammadāyādo kammayoni kammabandhu kammapaṭisaraṇo (ṇā)
I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma.
Yaṃ kammaṃ karissāmi, kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā, tassa dāyādo (dā) bhavissāmi
Whatever kamma I shall do, for good or for ill, of that I will be the heir.
Evaṃ amhehi abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ
Thus we should frequently recollect.